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  1. Established in 2018, the Singapore Buddhist Lodge Bursary is availble to full-time undergraduates at the Singapore Management University. It is aimed at assisting the financially needy as well as to motivate full-time undergraduates to achieve all-round excellence in their studies.

  2. Since 1979, the Lodge has been distributing Bursary to students of the needy family, giving them a chance to increase their knowledge, learn a life-long skill and improve their living conditions. The bursary programme is managed by the Singapore Buddhist Lodge Education Foundation which is an Institution of a Public Character (IPC).

  3. 居士林再次向回教堂捐赠30公吨大米Rice Donation from SBL to Mosque for Ramadan. 2023年3月21日. 秉持着佛教的慈悲精神、促进种族与宗教和谐,居士林今年再次向回教堂捐赠大米,这次捐赠的是30公吨。. 林长陈立发、司理陈锦成、财政黄世忠、副司理胥传喜一行人在巴亚维 ...

  4. Singapore Buddhist Lodge Bursary Education Foundation 45th Batch Bursary Award Presentation Ceremony – Opening Remarks by Assoc Prof Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim, Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs & Ministry of National Development. Published: 21 October 2023.

  5. 助学金颁发仪式. Copyright © 2023 新加坡佛教居士林 The Singapore Buddhist Lodge.

  6. Students in local polytechnics, autonomous universities, LaSalle and NAFA are encouraged to apply for the Higher Education / Higher Education Community (HE / HEC) and institutions’-administered bursaries.

  7. Latest Events. 地藏法会 Ksitigarbha Dharma Assembly. 农历七月,是华人千百年来祭祖超荐并与无主孤魂、冤亲债主广结善缘的时节。 本林为方便广大信众,特于农历七月初一至七月卅日举行一个月超荐法会。 法会期间将恭请六和戒德僧伽领众,每日恭诵《地藏菩萨本愿经》、《金刚经》、《阿弥陀经》、礼拜《地藏宝忏》、敬设《瑜伽焰口甘露斛食》。 法会专设往生牌位超荐祖先、冤亲债主、婴灵、十方法界无主孤魂等。 欢迎广大善信随喜参加,共沐佛恩!