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  1. Aug 14, 2020 · Former actress Cherie Lim opened up about her life after marrying Peter Lim and leaving the limelight, in an exclusive interview with ICON magazine.

  2. Cherie Lim ⁠— who graduated from the TV stations ninth drama acting course in 1989 along with Xie Shaoguang and Terence Cao — was one of the rising starlets of local dramas, acting in Channel 8 series like The Future Is Mine, Sweet Dreams, and Young Justice Bao.

  3. Aug 3, 2020 · 林里嫔 (Cherie Lim)是本地富豪林荣福 (Peter Lim)的妻子, 林慧俐 (Kim Lim)是他的千金,两人相隔一辈,但因同住一屋,渐生情缘,默契越来越像好友姐妹。 文 / Sylvester Ng / 03 Aug 2020. 月前和朋友一起去唱K,轮到林里嫔时,她拿起麦克风唱了江蕙的《家后》,才发现退出水银灯20多年后,林里嫔还保持一副好歌喉。 也许不是很多人记得,林里嫔在25岁时曾灌录《离不开爱情的女人》专辑。 现在听她唱《家后》,歌声中有了更多人生的历练和感情,也更能感受她这些年确实离不开爱情。 模特儿出身的林里嫔1989年毕业于新广第九期演员训练班。 同一届的艺人还包括曹国辉、谢韶光、汤妙玲等。

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  4. Aug 12, 2020 · Cherie Lim ⁠— who graduated from the TV station's ninth drama acting course in 1989 along with Xie Shaoguang and Terence Cao -⁠— was one of the rising starlets of local...

  5. And in 2003, he married Cherie Lim, the silky-haired former actress and Kao Biore girl who was one of Ch 8’s leading ladies back in the early ’90s. (P/S: Cherie was also, ahem, 8 DAYS’ very first cover girl.)

  6. Apr 21, 2023 · Yesterday (April 20), former actor Collin Chee shared a photo and a video of him having a sumptuous dinner with some of his old friends from his actor days, including Hugo Ng, Cherie Lim, Hong...

  7. Aug 14, 2020 · Find out why former local actress Cherie Lim stayed away from the limelight for so many years and how her relationship with stepdaughter Kim Lim is like.

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