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  1. The most playful annual fan festival has returned at Hong Kong Disneyland, dedicated to all the lovely fans of Duffy and Friends from March 15 to June 10!

  2. Aug 17, 2022 · HONG KONG, August 17, 2022 – “Duffy Fans-tasy” is coming to Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on September 9 with the arrival of LinaBell, the inquisitive fox friend of Duffy the Disney Bear. All fans of Duffy and Friends are invited to join the resort’s Fans-tasy journey filled with an abundance of Duffy and Friends’ encounters.

  3. Sep 9, 2022 · HONG KONG, September 9, 2022 – Accompanied by the enthusiasm and cheers of Duffy and Friends fans, the arrival of LinaBell, the new and inquisitive fox friend of Duffy the Disney Bear, marks the start of the epic new “Duffy Fans-tasy” at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.

  4. Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー) is a Disney Parks character developed for merchandise, live entertainment and meet-and-greets. The character is especially popular in Disney's Asian theme parks — Tokyo Disney Resort , Hong Kong Disneyland and Shanghai Disneyland — and can also be found at Disneyland Paris and the Aulani ...

    • Linabell, A Disney Friend of Duffy
    • 網上購買 Linabell 主題的周邊熱捧商品 Purchase Linabell-Themed Merchandise Online
    • Linabell主題商品# Linabell-Themed Merchandise Items#
    • Linabell「奇妙處處拍」套票 Linabell Photo Pass Bundle
    • 熱烈應援linabell閃亮登場 Welcoming Linabell Soon

    LinaBell 因喜歡解開謎團而與Duffy結緣。有一天,Duffy與好朋友 米奇老鼠 在森林中追逐蝴蝶的時候失散迷路。LinaBell 剛好遇上獨自一個的 Duffy,決定幫助他找回去的路。最終,Duffy與 米奇老鼠 重聚。為感謝 LinaBell 的幫忙,Duffy 為 LinaBell 送上一朵蘭花,也象徵着 Duffy 與這位新朋友的友誼。 LinaBell comes into Duffy’s world doing what she loves most: solving mysteries. While chasing butterflies with his dear friend Mickey Mouse, Duffy got separated and lost hi...

    要開展Fans-tasy之旅,第一步當然要把一系列LinaBell主題商品帶回家!由2022年8月22日起,樂園官方網站將陸續推出超過 25款LinaBell主題商品,讓賓客在「香港迪士尼樂園網上商店」分階段購買,當中更有不少香港迪士尼樂園獨家商品。 Start the Fans-tasy journey by taking home all-new LinaBell merchandise. Over 25 LinaBell merchandise items, which will be released in phases starting on August 22, will be available for purchase online, including Hong Kong ...

    「奇妙處處通」會員可根據會員類別,優先於8月25日起開始購買LinaBell主題商品;公眾可於9月1日起於網上購買,並於9月10日起到樂園内領取。記得留意九月中旬於網上推出的香港迪士尼樂園獨家LinaBell尾巴,屆時粉絲可以一身萌系造型歡迎LinaBell登場! These items are available for Magic Access members to purchase online from August 25, while public can start on September 1. All purchased items will be available for pick up at the park from September 10 onwards. Wat...

    難得與最喜愛的LinaBell同框合照,當然要確保每張照片都完美無缺。由8月29日起,於網上預訂「LinaBell奇妙處處拍套票」,除了享有迪士尼處處拍專業攝影師的服務與全日無限數碼照片下載,更可擁有人氣熱賣的LinaBell毛公仔以及與LinaBell見面拍照的時刻。見面後,你將獲贈與LinaBell合照的8R沖印照片和以LinaBell相框裱裝的6R沖印照片,成為萌粉的珍貴收藏。 Prepare to capture the most adorable moments in the most picture-perfect way with the online exclusive “LinaBell Photo Pass Bundle” from August 29, 2022. No...

    為迎接LinaBell閃亮登場香港迪士尼樂園,各位粉絲可於8月26至28日、9月2至4日和9月9至11日,在精緻的地畫中感受Duffy與好友一同歡迎及慶祝 LinaBell 登場的歡樂。 Leading up to LinaBell’s arrival, fans can go on a scavenger hunt in the park! On August 26-28, September 2-4, and September 9-11, fans can see how Duffy and Friends celebrate LinaBell’s arrival in the park’s gorgeous pavement artpaving. 各位粉絲更要密切留意樂園即將於網上推...

  5. Jul 6, 2022 · Duffy the Disney Bear met LinaBell when he was lost in the forest following a butterfly. LinaBell suddenly, but masterfully, took out her magnifying glass and started examining “clues” to figure out where Duffy had come from. Thanks to her detective-like talent, Duffy was able to be reunited with Mickey Mouse.

  6. This brand-new store boasts the most comprehensive collection of Duffy and ShellieMay merchandise to date, as well as the debut collection of their new friend — the artistic cat Gelatoni!