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  1. It is exemplified by phrases like 'His modesty prevented him from boasting about his accomplishments,' and idioms like 'modesty forbids,' indicating a reluctance to speak boastfully. 'Modesty' extends into phrases like 'modesty panel,' and idioms like 'modesty be damned,' implying disregard for propriety.

  2. Modesty 자신의 능력, 성취 또는 가치를 평가할 때 겸손하거나 온건한 자질 또는 상태를 의미할 뿐만 아니라 옷차림, 말 또는 행동이 예의 바르거나 내성적인 자질 또는 상태를 의미합니다.

  3. The antonyms of modesty are arrogance and immodesty. Arrogance refers to an exaggerated sense of self-importance, while immodesty refers to a lack of modesty or decency. Use these words to describe people's attitudes and behaviors in social situations, reflect on your own behavior, and create characters with distinct personality traits in writing.

  4. 1 Scope: Humility is broader and encompasses a wider range of behaviors and attitudes, while modesty is more specific and focuses on downplaying one's achievements or abilities. 2 Application: Humility is often associated with interactions with others, while modesty can also apply to personal appearance or behavior.

  5. Humilityとmodestyはどちらも、傲慢さや自己重要性の欠如を反映した肯定的な資質です。ただし、humilityは、他者への敬意や学習意欲など、より幅広い行動や態度を含むより広い用語です。

  6. Modestyはhumilityよりも日常の言語でより一般的に使用されています。Modestyはしばしば社会的規範やエチケットに関連付けられていますが、humilityはより一般的に宗教的または精神的な価値観に関連付けられています。

  7. Jul 3, 2014 · 2011-11-18 Modesty helps one go forward ,... 2007-12-24 中翻英:“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”这句名言定将代代相传。... 4 2015-04-16 虚心使人进步骄傲使人落后英文怎么说 10 2006-03-18 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 英语怎么说 38 2016-01-27 无知的人不知道自己是无知的英语作文

  8. Modesty自分の能力、業績、価値の評価において控えめまたは控えめであるという性質や状態、ならびに服装、言葉遣い、または行動において礼儀正しい、または控えめであるという性質や状態を意味します。

  9. The antonym of greedy is generous, unselfish, and modest. The antonyms generous, unselfish, and modest convey a positive or altruistic trait. It implies a lack of selfishness, greed, or excessive desire for material possessions.

  10. May 30, 2012 · There is a Chinese saying: 'Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 3.谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后的古训,真是永远错不了千古真理,我要时刻铭记在心,激励自己不断进取。

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