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  1. Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  2. Online ticket for Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  3. Exhibit Guide for Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  4. Operating Hours & Fees for Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  5. About Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  6. Access Map for Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Short walk from Tokyo Stytree Station on the Tobu Skytree Line. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  7. 2024.08.30 今年もアオウミガメの産卵地を清掃!. 「小笠原諸島ビーチクリーン」. 東京スカイツリータウン®にあるすみだ水族館。. ペンギン、チンアナゴ、クラゲなどを間近にご覧いただけます。. 完全屋内型。. 東京下町の観光や子連れのお出かけにも最適。.

  8. Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  9. Exhibit Guide for Sumida Aquarium in Tokyo Skytree Town. Recommended sightseeing spot in Asakusa during the stay in Japan. Visitors can get close enough to watch the behavior and facial expressions of the penguins. 42 minutes from Haneda Airport and 59 minutes from Narita Airport, by train.

  10. YouTube. 墨田水族館. 東京天空樹城 天空町5層6層. 墨田區押上壹丁目1番2號. 東京131-0045. 電話:03-5619-1821(開放時間至下午18點). 關於水族館. 關於. 營業時間/入場費.

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    tokyo skytree