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  1. 3. On the Login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/Staff and key in your University login ID and password: Username: SUSS username (leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas and MyMail) 4. Please refer to our FAQ on How to login to SUSS Library using Microsoft Single Sign-On (SSO)? This applies to SUSS Library's ...

  2. If you cannot remember your password to login to SUSS library, you can reset your password by following these steps: Login to the Student Portal with your SUSS username (leave out and click on Change Password located on the menu as shown below.

  3. Scroll till you find 'Newslink', select “Newslink”. If you encounter the following login screen, select “Student, Associate or Faculty/ Staff”. Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail) If you see the screen below, please do not click the “LOGIN” button at the top right-hand ...

  4. Sep 6, 2024 · 5. Enter your name and your SUSS email address as the preferred contact email. Click “Create Account” once you have filled in the form. (Note: This is a separate account that does not synchronize with your SUSS CANVAS account.) \ 6. DO NOT click “Sign-In” when you see the "Account created" message. 7.

  5. If you encounter the following login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/Staff. Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail)

  6. Select “EBSCO” from the drop-down for “Vendors” and click the "Search". 3. Select an EBSCO database eg. "Academic Search Premier”. 4. If you encounter the following login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/ Staff. Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail) 5.

  7. If you encounter the following login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/ Staff. Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail) To search for ebooks, select Books. Click Advanced Search; Select the following to narrow the search to include only Free and Purchased resources.

  8. Click “Explore” to access the eBook titles subscribed by SUSS Library. Move your mouse over the eBook title and click “Borrow”. You should see the number of available copies for loan on the right-hand side of the screen.

  9. Please sign in with your User ID when you are prompted to login. Sign in with your User ID using the following format: For Staff: For Students, Associates: Please enter the security code from your SUSS Microsoft account or Microsoft authenticator app for 2-step factor authentication, if necessary.

  10. 1. Go to SUSS library's Databases under 'C'. Scroll until you find 'CNKI eBooks'. 2. Log in to SUSS Library if you are prompted to sign in. If you encounter the following login screen, select Student, Associate or Faculty/Staff. Username: SUSS Username (Leave out Password: SUSS password (same as Canvas, MyMail)

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