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  1. Apr 2, 2017 · Eli accidentally shoots Carnegie in trying to shoot the guy running in Carnegie’s direction. When Solara first comes to seduce Eli she is obviously dressed for solicitation and she says "don't worry you don't have to pay." Eli replies "pay for what," since he can't see all the visual clues that Solara is giving him.

  2. Jan 13, 2011 · Did some research and found this in the book of Revelations. Revelation 13:16-17 King James Version (KJV) 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

  3. At the end of The Book of Eli, we the audience learn that. Eli is blind and has been the whole movie. We learn the secret when Carnegie first opens Eli's book and sees that it is written in Braille. But Solara was with Eli on Alcatraz at that point, so she never saw the Braille and may well not have known what it meant in any event.

  4. Jul 25, 2021 · Note the blurb for book #2 in the series which is kind of a spoiler; "What they discover will change everything, leading them straight into the Plastic Works and the heart of the experiment, in order to uncover the deadly criminals they’re cloned from —and any evidence that will convince the outside world to believe the truth." –

  5. May 22, 2024 · Fantasy book with a man and woman; the man is being "trained" by the bad guy but it's really the girl who has magic 5 Fantasy book in which a duchess goes to a boarding school where they don't officially teach magic, but the girls who graduate know it somehow

  6. I can't remember the name of a Comic book series that I read in the middle to late 80's. The books were about two young men/boys after an apocalyptic event in the US where society was broken down and it was a kind of "Wild west". A little more structure in society than what we see in the "Book of Eli" but a lot of lawlessness.

  7. May 10, 2011 · The one they seem to have been going for was that three years later, everyone would come to and find Eli half-crazy and living in the shuttle. Once the series ended, and they were trying to make a straight-to-DVD movie, the plan seemed to be "The gate from the Milky Way is open, and tons of people and supplies from the SGC pour through, including some characters we know."

  8. Jun 23, 2014 · The original Crichton script was the truest to the book version. There was no sexual tension whatsoever and Ellie Sattler was purely Dr. Grant's mature student. The Marno re-write (in March 1992) bulked out her character, making her more independent and increasing her role as well as adding a frisson of sexual tension between her and Grant:

  9. Jul 6, 2013 · It's described in the show as a hardcoded sequence (kind of like a password). But it's not some arbitrary password, it's definition is algorithmic and changes depending on your origin point - where you dial from - hence the discussion between Eli and Rush in the first SGU episode before they leave for Destiny ('what if we're not meant to be ...

  10. Jun 16, 2020 · Based on looks and Gru's bizarre collection, Kyle must be a mythical dog Chupacabra. Bluish, spiky sharp spines, few threads of fur, very pronounce fangs something that crosses a dragon with canine.