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Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia, Limited ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive corporate banking, personal banking, wealth management, and investment services to its customers in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other major markets around the world.
Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia, Limited ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive corporate banking, personal banking, wealth management, and investment services to its customers in Hong Kong, Mainland China, and other major markets around the world.
The Bank of East Asia Limited, often abbreviated to BEA, is a Hong Kong public banking and financial services company headquartered in Central, Hong Kong. It is currently the largest independent local Hong Kong bank, and one of two remaining family-run Hong Kong banks, with the other being Dah Sing Bank .
Mar 4, 2014 · Incorporated in Hong Kong in 1918, The Bank of East Asia, Limited ("BEA") is dedicated to providing comprehensive wholesale banking, personal banking, wealth management, and investment services to its customers in Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland, and other major markets around the world.
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Incorporated in 1918, The Bank of East Asia, Limited (BEA) is a leading Hong Kong-based financial services group listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, with total consolidated assets of...