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  1. Dec 13, 2021 · Q Until 1933, Prussia and East Prussia were both provinces of the Weimar Republic. No. 'East Prussia' was a province of the 'Free State of Prussia' and the 'Free State of Prussia' was a Federated State within the German Reich. Q Beginning in 1933, they were provinces in the German Reich. Not exactly.

  2. Bear in mind that when borders shift in Europe, the 'shifter' usually has some sort of (usually weak) justification, like Danzig being a former part of Poland-Lithuania and Alsace-Lorraine being a part of the HRE before 1680. However I don't think east Pomerania and east Brandenburg was ever Polish, although Silesia had a Polish minority.

  3. Lord Moyne suggested allotting the refugees a territory in East Prussia once the German were expelled in the wake of victory over Hitler. Ben-Gurion, arguing that, "the only way to get Jews to go [to East Prussia] would be with machine guns", insisted that the only real solution to the problem of the Jewish refugees was to bring them all to Palestine.

  4. Apr 18, 2016 · Brandenburg, Pommern, Schlesien, East-Preußen and West-Prussia; Each Kingdom had it own Parliament and Prime Minister who was the representative in the Bundesrat. Until 1919 you were a citizen of the Kingdom with German nationalty and was so stated in issued Passports. wiki auf Deutsch

  5. Pomerania was the southern half of the former German East Prussia, and its eastern boundary formed the dividing line with Prussia (Germany) to the WEST and Poland to the East. MOST of the former Western Pomerania belonged to Germany before the war (except for a 60-mile wide "Polish Corridor" to Gdynia, to give that country an outlet to the sea).

  6. May 5, 2020 · 10. The Kingdom of Hanover existed from its creation after the Congress of Vienna in 1814 (being a duchy and electorate within the HRE prior) until its annexation by Prussia after it lost the German-German war on the Austrian side. The Prussian crown annexed the kingdom and organized it as the newly formed Prussian province of Hanover in 1866.

  7. Estimates from the two main Berlin hospitals ranged from 95,000 to 130,000 rape victims. One doctor deduced that out of approximately 100,000 women raped in Berlin, some 10,000 died as a result, mostly from suicide. The death rate was thought to be much higher among the 1.4 million who had suffered in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia.

  8. Oct 31, 2016 · 21. Bavaria joined Prussia after the Franco-Prussian War. Prussia had emerged as the state that could defend "German" interests by leading the Germans in the defeat of France. Earlier, Prussia had beaten Austria in the Seven Weeks War of 1866. Austria had to settle accounts with Hungary after the 1866 war (after having quashed that country's ...

  9. Sep 2, 2018 · The timeline to observe here is that in 1941 Stalin advanced the idea of annexing parts of Poland East of the Curzon-line and proposed a territorial compensation for Poland carved from German territory. During the Potsdam conference the Western Polish border was then defined with words that clearly left Stettin under Soviet occupation, not Polish.

  10. Jan 7, 2021 · In 1921 I took part, togeather with others from the Rossbach society, in a bike ride to East Prussia. In order to be uniformly equipped for this trip the remaining stock of the East African Lettow shirts, last used by the officers of the Schutztruppe, were bought and distributed them to the cyclists.