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  1. Oct 1, 2013 · Mary I of England was not as bloody as her reputation suggests, but she was the last Catholic monarch to face Protestant rebellion. She burned 300 heretics in 3 months, but her father and sister killed more people in their reigns.

  2. Feb 18, 2016 · Mary I, the first female ruler of England, was a devout Catholic who restored mass and persecuted Protestants. She burned about 275 heretics at the stake, but was not as bloody as her father Henry VIII, who executed thousands.

  3. Bloody Mary绝对是大俗大烂的鸡尾酒,喝起来毫无压力,我要打十杯! 一般酒吧里都很少备番茄汁的,因为用到番茄汁的调酒很少,除非是有调酒师自创的招牌(广州The Soul Cocktail就是因为自创的招牌酒),其他的都是没什么人点的东西,例如Red Eye。

  4. May 24, 2018 · In 1554, a group of English nobles led by Sir Thomas Wyatt tried to overthrow Mary I, the Catholic queen who had restored the old religion after her brother's reign. They feared that Mary would marry Philip II of Spain and threaten their Protestant cause.

  5. 午夜时分关掉所有的灯,独自一人对着镜子,在面前点一根蜡烛,闭上眼睛,集中精神,心中默念“Bloody Mary"三次,然后你就能看到你未来丈夫的模样,如果你看到的是一具骷髅,那么说明你婚前就会丧命。

  6. Jun 22, 2015 · A conspiracy theory claims that Elizabeth I was a boy who was switched with the real princess as a child and hid it for life. Learn about the evidence, the legend and the May Day tradition that inspired Bram Stoker.

  7. Feb 10, 2015 · 大意就是,在比较友善、比较礼貌的团体中,用 bloody 这个词既能传达意思,又不会表现的粗鲁、不恰当。要是没有 bloody,只好用一些别的比较正式的词来代替,而这些词效果不好,且会让人讨厌. 以下内容,基本来源于维基百科

  8. 血腥玛丽的游戏是真实的吗? - 知乎

  9. 一般日本的银饰牌子在国内也能打开官网吧,海外配送也是完全ok的,题主可以试试看,毕竟比起某宝安全的多,否则可能就只有拜托朋友去原宿涉谷这种地方人肉买了寄回来了。

  10. 对于《Mary Ⅰ》来说,不仅在沉浸电影作品上是我们的处女作,欧式场景的设计规划、欧式音乐的编排选定都是我们的首次尝试。 而对于团队成员来说,通刷欧式电影已经是我们那段时间的家常便饭了,大到格局规划,小到软装布局,细到物品摆放,严到机关音乐卡点精确到毫秒,我们都须精益求精。

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