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  1. 自由時報,為網友提供重要的新聞訊息,提供第一手全球各地最即時的突發事件報導,為網友精準掌握新聞脈動,配合時事不定時推出各類新聞專區,服務廣大網友

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      中正紀念堂轉型正義 李遠:要讓仇恨翻頁但不能遺忘歷史

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  2. 06:48. 英國大選變天!. 工黨估410席大勝 終結保守黨14年執政. 縱火犯「火燒屁股」窘態曝光加國警公布影片求指認自由說新聞》烏砲火猛轟「俄逃竄 ...

  3. 國民黨固樑嗆罷免反制 吳靜怡:藍罷免議長就真的政治仇恨對決了. 中市環保局找藍委羅廷瑋任標案評委周永鴻批市府開惡例蘇巧慧批新北施政 ...

  4. 拒絕改革!聯合國審查中國人權西方建議全遭無視奧運男籃》爭奪小組唯一門票字母哥、東契奇提前對決mlb》持續領先大谷、賈吉!守護者新科全 ...

    • liberty times taiwan1
    • liberty times taiwan2
    • liberty times taiwan3
    • liberty times taiwan4
    • liberty times taiwan5
  5. Aug 10, 2022 · When the presidential inauguration on May 20 passed by quite peacefully amid the ongoing tenuous security situation across the Taiwan Strait, an anxious global community in general, and the administrative establishment of Taiwan in particular, heaved a veritable sigh of relief.

  6. Oct 11, 2023 · On Sept. 22, the UN General Assembly wound up its 78th annual General Debate in New York City, again excluding Taiwan. However, most of the nation’s diplomatic allies voiced their support for allowing Taiwan to participate in the UN system.

  7. Jun 17, 2022 · The Liberty Times Editorial: Chu first needs a Taiwan consensus. Despite flagging support for the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), Chairman Eric Chu’s (朱立倫) US trip deserves to be treated with some seriousness. After all, Taiwan is a democracy where power typically passes from one party to another. The Democratic Progressive ...

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