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  1. Here are twenty-six real life stories of hope to inspire your life. Go ahead, and indulge in a healthy dose of hope. Get curious, dig deeper and be moved to create positive change in your life, and the lives of others.

    • Three Feet from Gold
    • Rocks, Pebbles, and Sand
    • The Elephant Rope
    • A Wise Man’S Jokes
    • It’S Never Too Late
    • The Boulder and The Gold
    • Dirty Money
    • The Ultimate Test
    • What A Waste
    • Breathing with No Air

    Watch the Video of This Story: The Story: During the gold rush, a man who had been mining in Colorado for several months quit his job, as he hadn’t struck gold yet and the work was becoming tiresome. He sold his equipment to another man who resumed mining where it had been left off. The new miner was advised by his engineer that there was gold only...

    Watch the Video of This Story: The Story: A philosophy professor once stood up beforehis class with a large empty mayonnaise jar. He filled the jar to the top withlarge rocks and asked his students if the jar was full. His students all agreed the jar was full. He then added small pebbles to the jar, andgave the jar a bit of a shake so the pebbles c...

    Watch the Video of This Story: The Story: When walking through an elephant camp, a mannoticed that the elephants were only secured with a small rope that was tiedaround one ankle. He wondered why the elephants didn’t break free from therope, as the elephants were certainly strong enough to do so. He asked a trainer why the elephants didn’t try to b...

    The Story: A wise man once faced a group of people whowere complaining about the same issues over and over again. One day, instead oflistening to the complaints, he told them a joke and everyone cracked uplaughing. Then, the man repeated the joke. A few peoplesmiled. Finally, the man repeated the joke a thirdtime–but no one reacted. The man smiled ...

    Watch the Video of This Story: The Story: In the 1940s, there was a man who, at the ageof 65, was living off of $99 social security checks in a small house, driving abeat-up car. He decided it was time to make a change, so he thought about what he had tooffer that other people may benefit from. His mind went to his fried chickenrecipe, which his fr...

    The Story: There once was a king who decided to do alittle experiment. He had a giant boulder put right in the middle of thestreet. He then hid near the boulder to see who, if anyone, would try to moveit out of the way. First, some wealthy merchants walked by. Theywalked around the boulder, complaining that the king hasn’t been maintainingthe roads...

    The Story: A well-respected speaker began a seminar by showing an audience of 150 people a crisp $20 bill. He asked, “Who wants this $20 bill?” All 150 people nodded. He said, “I am going to give this money to someone, but first….” Then he proceeded to crumple the bill up. He asked the crowd again if anyone wanted it. All 150 hands went up in the a...

    The Story: One night, four college students stayed uplate partying, even though they knew they had a test the next day. The nextmorning, they came up with a plan to get out of having to take their test. Each student rolled around in dirt and thenwent to the teacher’s office. They told the teacher that they had gotten aflat tire the night before, an...

    The Story: A mother camel and her baby were lying down, soaking up the sun. The baby camel asked his mom, “Why do we have these big bumps on our back?” The mom stopped to think and then said, “We live in the desert where there is not much water available. Our humps store water to help us survive on long journeys.” The baby camel then stopped to thi...

    The Story: A boy once asked a wise old man what the secret to success is. After listening to the boy’s question, the wise man told the boy to meet him at the river in the morning and he would be given the answer there. In the morning, the wise man and the boy beganwalking toward the river. They continued on into the river, past the point ofthe wate...

    • Socrates’ ‘triple-filter’ test – kindness. In ancient times the famous philosopher, Socrates, was visited in Greece by an acquaintance of his. Eager to share some gossip the acquaintance asked Socrates, ‘Would you like to know what I just heard about your friend?’
    • Potatoes, eggs, and coffee beans – mindset. Once upon a time in a small Italian town, a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going to make it better.
    • Stop wasting your time complaining – positivity. Moral stories focus on the good instead of the bad. A wise man received a stream of visitors complaining about the same problems over and over again.
    • Box full of kisses – love. A businessman scolded his three year old girl for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Tough times meant financial hardships and he became cross when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree.
  2. › inspirational-storiesShort Inspirational Stories

    May these inspirational stories refresh your soul, transform your fear into hope and trust, fill your mind and heart with positivity and inspire you to create something beautiful out of your life. A Brother Like That

    • The Blind Girl − a story about changes. This is a powerful inspirational story of hope, showing us that any circumstance can change how we perceive the world, and sometimes people cannot accept their circumstance until it changes.
    • Control your temper − a story about anger. This tells us that we shouldn’t say things to people in the heat of the moment that may later become a regret.
    • Emily’s story of hope − staying strong through cancer treatment and utilising recovery groups when emotions dipped. Emily’s story of battling and healing from cancer provides us with that inspiration to continue living and to be kind to ourselves if we need a support group to seek it out.
    • Stories of Hope by Heather Morris − an inspiring manual for life, with incredible stories people have shared with her. Heather Morris shares the story behind her inspirational writing journey and the life experiences that helped her learn to truly listen to stories.
  3. Mar 24, 2018 · Read 18 real stories of how people overcame challenges and found God's faithfulness through their struggles. From Hollywood stars to ordinary people, these stories will encourage you and inspire you to trust in God.

  4. May 14, 2024 · Whether it's a story of personal triumph, a tale of hope in the face of adversity, or a simple act of kindness that made a difference, every story has the potential to inspire and bring about positive change. Explore our site and read the stories of those who have made a difference.