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  1. The Maya calendar is a system of calendars used in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and in many modern communities in the Guatemalan highlands, Veracruz, Oaxaca and Chiapas, Mexico. The essentials of the Maya calendar are based upon a system which had been in common use throughout the region, dating back to at least the 5th century BC.

  2. The Mayan Calendar consists of three separate corresponding calendars: the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar), and the Haab (civil calendar). Each of them is cyclical, meaning that a certain number of days must occur before a new cycle can begin.

  3. The most commonly known Maya cyclical calendars are the Haab, the Tzolkin, and the Calendar Round. Aside from these, the Maya also developed the Long Count calendar to chronologically date mythical and historical events.

  4. Mayan calendar, dating system of the ancient Mayan civilization and the basis for all other calendars used by Mesoamerican civilizations. The calendar was based on a ritual cycle of 260 named days and a year of 365 days. Taken together, they form a longer cycle of 18,980 days, or 52 years of 365.

  5. A particular day, month, and year can be expressed as a Long Count date using baktun, katun, tun, uinal, and k’in units of time together with a Haab and a Tzolk’in calendar dates. Use this interactive tool to convert Gregorian calendar dates into the Maya calendar system.

  6. What we call the Mayan calendar is actually a set of three interlocking calendars, the sacred calendar of 260 days called the Tzolkin, the solar calendar of 365 days known as the Haab, and a Long Count calendar of much longer time periods.

  7. The Maya Calendar Explained. The Maya calendar (and time keeping in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica) is a fascinating, but poorly understood topic that has gathered much interest in recent years (particularly around 2012). In this article, I will explain how the Maya calendar works and how to read it.

  8. Jul 7, 2012 · The Maya Calendar contains two separately working calendars which function simultaneously: the Haab, or civil calendar of 365 days in an 18 month period of 20 days each, and the Tzolkin, or sacred calendar, of 260 days divided into three groups of months of 20 days.

  9. The Haab, the Tzolk’in, the Calendar Round, and the Long Count are the most studied and well-understood components of the complex Maya calendar system. The Maya calendars serve a variety of purposes, both practical and ceremonial.

  10. Main types of Mayan Calendar. Tzolkin calendar. SACRED CALENDAR OF 260 DAYS. The 260-day Tzolkin Calendar, also known as the sacred calendar, is the oldest known calendar cycle in Mesoamerica, dating back at least 600 BCE.

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