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  1. Learn about the 88 constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), their names, sizes, quadrants and visibility. Find out the meanings and origins of the constellation names and their corresponding stars.

  2. 88 Officially Recognized Constellations. Return to the StarChild Main Page. Go to Imagine the Universe! (A site for ages 14 and up.)

    • Table of Contents
    • Star Constellations: Their Names, Pictures, and Meanings
    • Andromeda – Royal Sea Monster Bait
    • Antlia – Air Pump
    • Apus – Bird of Paradise
    • Aquarius – Water-Bearer
    • Aquila – Thunderbolt Eagle
    • Ara – Altar
    • Aries – Ram
    • Auriga – Charioteer
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    We’ve all gazed up at the night sky, admiring stars forming familiar shapes, dressed in the lore of ancient cultures. But, where did all of these names come from, and what do they mean? Without further ado, let’s take a look at all 88 officially recognized star constellation, their names, and their Meanings:

    Andromeda is the daughter of Cassiopeia and Cepheus in Greek mythology. Unfortunately, appeasing the gods, she was chained and fed to the sea monster Cetus. However, Perseus finally rescued her.

    It was initially named Antlia Pneumatica, or “Pneumatic Machine,” by French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille. Actually, this unusual name honored French physicist Denis Papin’s invention of the air pump.

    Greek for “no feet,” Apus is the official bird of paradise. Ironically, this name mocks western civilization’s misconception of the paradise bird not having feet. Who knew!?

    Water carrier of the gods, Aquarius was the best-looking boy in ancient Greece. In fact, Zeus became enthralled with Aquarius, morphed into an eagle, and abducted the boy.

    Aquila was the majestic eagle who help Zeus’ thunderbolts. However, this meaning is often associated with the legendary eagle who abducted Aquarius (see Aquarius).

    Ara was the altar in which Greek gods formed a pact before battling the Titans. Led by Zeus, the gods overpowered the Titans, winning the legendary war. Ultimately, the altar was placed in the sky by Zeus. In fact, the Milky Way represents the smoke rising from Ara.

    Aries was a legendary ram, yielding wings and golden fleece. Nephele originally sent him to rescue her son, Phrixus, upon his father sacrificing him to ward off famine. Ultimately, both Phrixus and his sister, Helle, boarded Aries, flying to safety on the Black Sea.

    Son of Athena, Auriga was the charioteer of the gods. Plus, created in the image of the Sun god’s chariot, Auriga invented the four-horse chariot.

    Learn about the 88 officially recognized star constellations, their names, meanings, and pictures. Discover the myths, stories, and history behind each constellation in the night sky.

  3. Learn the meanings and stories behind the 88 constellation names, from ancient Greek mythology to modern scientific instruments and exotic animals. Find out how constellations were catalogued, named and depicted by different astronomers over time.

  4. A comprehensive table of the 88 astronomical constellations, with their mythological associations, first appearances, genitive forms, brightest stars and more. Learn about the history and origin of each constellation, and how to find them in the sky.

    Mythological Association
    First Appeared
    Genitive Form
    The Princess Andromeda; in Greek ...
    The air pump; a southern constellation ...
    1756 (Lacaille)
    The bird of paradise; a southern ...
    1598 (Keyser & de Houtman)
    The water bearer; in Greek mythology, ...
  5. Feb 5, 2007 · Learn the official spellings, pronunciations, and meanings of the 88 constellations in the sky. Find out their history, origin, and location in the celestial sphere.

  6. List of the 88 official constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Click on each constellation to view the complete details.