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  1. A: Your pastor probably was referring to the words of the Apostle Paul, who wrote that sometimes “Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). Note that the Bible doesn’t say Satan is an angel of light; it says he only masquerades as an angel of light. In other words, sometimes Satan puts on a disguise (as it ...

  2. The Psalmist said that God “will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11). Nevertheless, the Bible also tells us that at times the angels have become visible. When God announced to the Virgin Mary that she would bear His Son, He used the angel Gabriel to convey the news to her (see Luke 1:26-38).

  3. Jan 22, 2011 · Angels Around Us. But the angel of the Lord by night opened the prison doors, and brought them forth . . . —Acts 5:19. Demonic activity and Satan worship are on the increase in all parts of the world. The devil is at work more than at any other time. The Bible says that because he realizes his time is short, Satan’s activity will increase.

  4. After Satan failed to persuade Jesus to sin, we read that “angels came and attended him” (Matthew 4:11). Although I know it’s a popular idea, the Bible says we don’t actually become angels when we die and enter heaven. The angels are different from us, and even in heaven that difference is preserved.

  5. The truth is, when we die and go to heaven we become even greater than the angels! The angels are spiritual beings who were created by God to be His servants, and God has given them great authority and power to do His will. And at the present time the angels are greater than we are, because God made us “a little lower than the heavenly beings ...

  6. The Bible doesn’t say exactly when God created the angels, although it seems likely that they existed before He created the universe. By the time of Adam and Eve, one angel—Satan—had already led a rebellion against God and been cast out of heaven (see Isaiah 14:12-17). When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they were driven out of the Garden of ...

  7. Now Satan and those who followed him are fallen angels—no longer part of God’s heavenly army, but separated from heaven’s glory forever. He still is powerful, however, and he still does everything he can to block God’s plan for our lives. Don’t be deceived; Satan is your enemy, and he will do everything he can to keep you from God.

  8. Oct 19, 2019 · The Lord is the God of all comfort, and He employs His heavenly army of angels to bring warnings of danger, tidings of joy, and messages of peace. This is not a man-made fable; this is God’s truth. The Bible calls angels “ministering spirits” sent to serve those who will inherit salvation (Hebrews 1:14). Believing that God will send these ...

  9. A: Yes, the Bible indicates that when we die we will not be alone, but angels will accompany us on our journey to heaven (if that is our destiny). In one of His parables, Jesus told about a poor man who had suffered much during his time on earth. When he died, Jesus said, “the angels carried him to Abraham’s side (i.e., to heaven)” (Luke ...

  10. The Bible tells us that the angels were created for one reason: to do God’s will. To put it another way, they were created to be God’s instruments or agents to carry out His work. (In fact, the word “angel” actually means “messenger” or “agent”.) The Bible says, “Praise the Lord, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his ...