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  1. Mar 31, 2024 · On the Collin’s explanation of “Jump on the bandwagon”, it is a negative (disapproval) expression. Example sentence on Collins: 1. Many farms are jumping on the bandwagon and advertising organically grown food. 2. The socialists are now climbing on the bandwagon. Source: Collins...

  2. BandwagonHost的主机还是很不错的,它主要提供VPS主机,其特点是采用了CN2线路,建网站的话国内的访问速度非常快,尤其是高端CN2 GIA线路和香港机房的VPS主机。

  3. Jul 18, 2012 · The original meaning of bandwagon was a large, ornately decorated, brightly colored wagon carrying the band in a parade. The term jumping on the bandwagon originates from the 18th century-early 19th century Southern United States custom of jumping on the bandwagon during a political or religiousrally to audibly express support for whatever cause the rally promoted.

  4. May 13, 2018 · In other words, you're a member of the bandwagon that says that conflate can be synonymous with confuse in mixing up two things. There seems to be a 50/50 split down the middle on whether it can or can't be used in this way.

  5. Jul 21, 2008 · The word dispense means to give out, hand out, distribute etc.* It is also used in a phrasal verb "dispense with" meaning do away with, get rid of, etc. Indispensable, as it is commonly used, comes from the phrasal verb, and means essential - we cannot get rid of something that is indispensable.

  6. Jul 19, 2011 · Background: Kura is a Japanese restaurant chain that has jumped on the automation bandwagon. You won't find any waiting staff in there because the ordering and delivery process is highly automated. You can order your food on a tablet mounted next to the table and the food will be delivered via a high speed conveyor belt.

  7. Aug 25, 2010 · Clamber aboard / climb aboard refers to the expression to jump on a bandwagon and can be either postive or negative. Have a look here: band wagon jumpers Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015

  8. Apr 18, 2011 · Hello everyone, Could anyone explain what this phrase means please. The context is the staff recruitment department who had a stand at their company's Open Day, and who are responsible for recruiting during the Operational phase of the company's development. "Nous sommes chargés du...

  9. Sep 4, 2016 · Bonjour tout le monde, Ma question aujourd'hui est la suivante: Quelle expression pourrait-on utiliser en anglais pour exprimer accorder leurs violons? Je comprends le sens, mais l'expression m'échappe. Le plus important c’est la sensibilisation, on ne peut pas venir d’un seul coup et puis...

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