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  1. Aug 14, 2015 · A user shares their list of the best female fights in movies, with clips and explanations. See examples from Saw III, Kill Bill, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and more.

  2. 01:39 Twilight - Right after I cracked on the baseball game the movie picked up. Still early episodes of Buffy The Vampire Slayer haunt my good sense of taste, but at least its better than the first half. Ill refrain from going into how many holes are in the storyline as itd be too exhausting, and cruel.

  3. Jan 9, 2008 · Just really got into Buffy and am half way through season 2. Plan to see this till the end then move onto Angel "A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."

  4. Sep 23, 2023 · The other movie is a parody of some of the past high school movies. Which I liked more than Sixteen Candles, because the movie was funny and a blast to watch. One of the best parodies out there for sure. From the original list Sixteen Candles was #13 Not Another Teen Movie was #11

  5. Click a smilie to insert it into your message. Standard Smilies:) ;):p:(:mad::rolleyes::eek::D:cool::sick::o ...

  6. Aug 14, 2024 · RIP - my favorite actress.. I think her performance in "A Woman Under The Influence" is the greatest one I've seen, even better than any Brando.

  7. Jan 27, 2012 · The American Humane Association is the only organisation allowed to bestow the disclaimer on a movie after trade-marking the first four words. They’ve been working to ensure animal actors – such as Uggie the dog in ‘The Artist’ or the equine thesps in ‘War Horse’ – have been treated humanely on movie sets since 1940, when a horse was needlessly killed during the filming of ...

  8. Mar 18, 2024 · Poohiverse: Monsters Assemble Upcoming Movies & Sequels. Six years after “Avengers: Infinity War,” another film is vying to become the most ambitious crossover event in history, this time in the lower-budget cinematic realm.

  9. Feb 11, 2020 · A user asks for movie scenes where characters have their faces pressed against a window or glass. Other users reply with suggestions from various genres and movies, such as Doctor Strange, Harry Potter, The Hustler, and more.

  10. Sep 24, 2019 · I saw a movie on TV called "Off The Rails" which is apparently a Lifetime movie inspired by true events and was formerly titled Derailed. Did she die at the end and meet up with her lover, survive and therefore not reunite with her lover, or survive and reunite with her lover who actually had never died? Thank you.