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  1. Clarence Thomas is a U.S. Supreme Court Justice assigned to the 11th Circuit, covering Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. He was nominated by George H.W. Bush on July 1, 1991, and sworn in on October 23, 1991.

  2. Clarence Thomas: The vote for Clarence Thomas refers to the vote by the full Senate to determine if Clarence Thomas's nomination to be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice would be confirmed or denied. Thomas narrowly won with a vote of 52 to 48. Answer and Explanation:

  3. Clarence Thomas became a U.S. Supreme Court Justice in October of 1991. He was nominated by George H.W. Bush but barely won the Senate vote to confirm his nomination. At the end of over a month of contentious hearings, the final vote was 52 to confirm Thomas against 48 to deny his confirmation.

  4. Clarence Thomas: Accusations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas arose during his Senate confirmation hearing to become a U.S. Supreme Court justice. Thomas's nomination by President George H.W. Bush and his confirmation hearings occurred in 1991.

  5. Yes, Clarence Thomas benefited from affirmative action during the 1970s when he enrolled in Yale Law School. At the time of his admission, Yale was

  6. Clarence Thomas: Clarence Thomas is the second African American to ever serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. He became a Supreme Court Justice on October 23, 2011, after his nomination by President George H.W. Bush and his confirmation by the U.S. Senate.

  7. Clarence Thomas is a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. He was sworn into service on October 23, 1991. He was nominated by George H.W. Bush on July 1, 1991, to replace the retiring Justice Thurgood Marshall.

  8. 本网页收录了多个用户对美国最高法院大法官克莱伦斯·托马斯的看法和评价,包括他的法学思想、政治立场、种族主义观点等。其中一位用户认为托马斯是一个隐藏在宪制文本主义外表下的保守黑人民族主义者,对他的判决和观点有着深刻的种族主义和反进步色彩。

  9. Clarence Thomas: Clarence Thomas was first accused of sexual harassment during his Senate confirmation hearings in 1991. The hearings were to determine whether Clarence Thomas would become a U.S. Supreme Court Justice.

  10. Nov 21, 2023 · Learn the difference between strict and loose constructions of the U.S. Constitution, and see examples of each. Strict constructionists base their decisions on the text of the Constitution, while ...