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  1. May 28, 2008 · May 28, 2008. #2. FeDicottero said: Hi everybody! the literal meaning is ok. In my text it refers to a man who tries on with a woman, who "claws his eyes out". She had been defined a " fucking vicious cow". This means that she feels like doing it a lot?

  2. Oct 22, 2012 · "Claw" means for an animal to scrape something with its claws or for a human to make the same kind of motion using a hand with fingers curled and using the finger nails to scrape at something.) "Claw" may be a specialized term in the sport of rock climbing (I don't know), or the reference could just be to the simple image of anyone trying to climb up a hard surface, like rock, using bare hands.

  3. Sep 6, 2016 · American English. Sep 6, 2016. #4. PULPANKER said: Thank you very much, fiercediva. Those are the verb I need. You're welcome! You should use the plural "unsheath its claws" or "extend its claws", as cats extend all the claws on one paw, rather than individual ones.

  4. Nov 17, 2010 · Hola, sospecho que en este caso el verbo "to claw at" tiene un significado metafórico. ¿Podría ser? “You need a woman. I told you, you can’t go that long and let the tension build up.” “I’ve had women, sometimes twice in a day. A few times more, damn it. It doesn’t do any good. I’m still as...

  5. Feb 3, 2014 · Feb 3, 2014. #1. In virtù del significato di hooded in questo contesto, cerco suggerimenti su come rendere il termine " hooded claw " nel testo di " The power of love " dei Frankie Goes To Hollywood. La strofa è " I'll protect you from the hooded claw / keep the vampires from your door" le strofe seguenti ribadiscono amore e protezione, il ...

  6. Jan 24, 2012 · Hola. Estoy traduciendo una nota sobre un hallazgo del fósil de un primate que contaba con una grooming claw. Mi intento es 'garra acicalada' Pero espero que algo me pueda explicar el significado aunque no tenga la traducción. Vi en otra nota que Lady Gaga y Adele están consiguiendo sus propias 'grooming claws' en nombre de la moda. Gracias.

  7. Jan 11, 2021 · It doesn’t hurt to know what’s out there. For a second I imagine walking into Graham Hallow’s office and handing in my notice, telling him I won’t put up with being spoken to like I’m dirt on the sole of his shoe. Then I look at the salary printed under the office manager position, and remember how long it’s taken me to claw my way ...

  8. Mar 25, 2016 · So fighting/clawing your way back into contention means "becoming a contender again, when for a while you were not, by means of a tough struggle (fight/claw). The whole part in bold is a standard phrase, used for many years. To the analysts watching the game, it started with two equal contenders. Then the bad move made it look like AlphaGo had ...

  9. Dec 1, 2005 · 请问claw,paw,talon,clutch有什么区别? 给你大体分析一下:都有“爪子”的意思。 其中只有paw和clutch可以用来表示人的手,paw表示粗笨的那种,clutch多表示五指分开正要抓东西那种状态的手(talon有时也用来表示人手

  10. Mar 21, 2015 · Mar 21, 2015. #4. Well, it's not really a sentence. It's from a surreal theatre play where cats that live underwater cut holes in a man's temples which function as gills. Yeah, I know . And there is a narrator who accompanies this action with appropriate onomatopoeia in the original language. I'm translating the subtitles and have to come up ...

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