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  1. Craig Walker designs and researches for the world’s leading organisations, working in the technology, financial services, built environment and infrastructure sectors.

  2. Reaching and supporting marginalised groups. In Australia, 130,000 people live with chronic hepatitis C and many more thousands don’t even know they’re infected. While hepatitis C can be treated, reinfection is a risk, especially among marginalised groups.

  3. Craig Walker worked with the Australia Post Social Design team to establish APCo-Lab, a community design lab in Melbourne, with the explicit objective of developing, designing and launching a new essential service aimed at reducing social isolation and increasing participation in communities.

  4. Broadway Shopping Centre in Sydney is Mirvac’s busiest and best performing asset. Following a recent interior renovation of the centre, Mirvac saw the need to upgrade its guest experience.

  5. Craig Walker collaborated with the DesignSingapore Council and Agency to develop tools and approaches to help Singaporean workers navigate ‘what’s next’. We sought to understand some of the common challenges Singaporean workers are facing following the shift to remote work and its impacts.

  6. Creating content. and a social media movement. With 4.54 billion people worldwide now using the Internet, generating 2.5 quintillion (that’s 18 zeros) of data every day, privacy and data protection is a growing and major focus for governments, businesses and individuals.

  7. Anglicare asked Craig Walker to research and develop design recommendations that could be implemented easily. We captured and amplified the voices and lived experiences of residents, identified a number of opportunity areas and created simple but effective design recommendations.

  8. Craig Walker has worked closely with their innovation and ventures teams in Singapore on a series of projects to help the bank understand and engage with their customers and tap into new opportunities across the 70 countries they operate in.

  9. Craig Walker, working in partnership with Feminist Internet, was tasked with designing and faclitating Online Based Gender Violence (OBGV) workshops and developing the outputs into recommendations. These formed the foundation of commitments aimed at addressing online gender-based abuse.

  10. Craig Walker worked with Meta to develop communications tools to explain these PETs, giving advertisers, regulators and policy-makers an understanding of how they work to protect and increase data privacy.