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  1. Learn how the day of worship changed from Saturday to Sunday, based on church authority, sun worship and anti-Semitism. Find out the biblical and historical evidence for the seventh-day Sabbath and the fourth commandment.

  2. There is clearly no New Testament evidence for a change of the Sabbath from Saturday, the seventh day of the week, to Sunday, the first day of the week. The change came after the days of Jesus and the apostles, so we must turn to history to see when and how this change came about.

  3. First, the change from Saturday to Sunday occurred sometime after 135 A.D. Second, the change originated in Rome, not Jerusalem. The view that the apostolic Jerusalem Church pioneered Sunday worship rests on two incorrect assumptions.

  4. Sep 10, 2011 · The issue is that while many Christians think Sunday is the Sabbath, a day to refrain from working, Saturday is actually the Sabbath. Since Jesus and His disciples observed the Sabbath by ceasing to work and attending a local synagogue, shouldn’t we do the same thing?

  5. No specific names or dates are associated with the church's shift from observing the holy day on Saturday to observing it on Sunday. At first, especially when many Christians were converted...

  6. Jan 14, 2022 · Jesus rose again on the first day of the week—on Sunday, the Lord’s day—and as a commemoration of that, Christians have gathered together on that day since the days of the apostles. But why?

  7. “Question: Which is the Sabbath day? Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath day. Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday? Answer: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church in the Council of Laodicea transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.”