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  1. 我分别用Petal(左),Google(中)以及Baidu(右)做了测试,下面简称为PGB版本。 应大家要求增加了Bing(4)、Yandex(5)和Sougou(6)版本,下面简称为PGBBYS版本。 因为Yandex太不河蟹了(生气),一气之下删除了它,下面简称为PGBBS版本。 1、关键词:米哈游

  2. A petal is a part of a flower; a tire is a part of a bicycle. Was this answer helpful? A flower has 9 petals. The wind blows 2 petals off. How many petals are left on the flower? Out of 5 petals of a flower bud, the standard petal overlaps the two wing petals which in turn overlaps two smaller keel petals. This type of aestivation is called: A ...

  3. Petal is the part of the flower which is the non-essential whorls that are brightly colored to attract insects for pollination process. Petaloid is when the perianth is non-green i.e. when petals and sepals appear to be undifferentiated. Petaloid is resembling the petal of a flower.

  4. Pappus. Papilionaceous flowers are flowers with the characteristic irregular and butterfly-like corolla. The flowers have a bilateral symmetry with the corolla consisting of five petals. A single, large, upper petal is known as the banner (also vexillum or standard petal). Was this answer helpful?

  5. The flower is irregular (zygomorphic) and is made up of five petals; a banner or 'standard' petal, two wing petals, and two petals partially fused together to form a boat-shaped keel. T he upper (posterior) petal is outermost and the two lower (anterior) petals often basally connate.

  6. Choose or find odd word: Table, Cupboard, Chair, Sofa, Paper weight

  7. The proximal end of the filament of the stamen is attached to the thalamus or the petal of the flower. The number and length of stamens are variable in flowers of different species. The number varies from 3 to 10 in different species. Also, the size of stamens varies largely in different species. Stamen attached to the petal is called as ...

  8. Papilionaceous corolla has five free petals which resemble a butterfly. The posterior superior petal is larger than the others and is termed as vexillum or standard. The two anterior inferior petals are more or less united and there are two lateral petals called wings. Hence, the largest petal papilionaceous corolla is called vexillum or standard.

  9. Pearl : Necklace : : Flower : View Solution. Q 2. Consider 21 different pearls on a necklace. How many ways can the pearls in on this necklace such that 3 specific pearls always remain together ? View Solution. Q 3. Consider 21 different pearls on a necklace. How many ways can the pearls be placed in this necklace such that 3 specific pearls ...

  10. (A) In vexillary aestivation, the large posterior petal is called-standard, two lateral ones are wings and two small anterior petals are termed keel. (B) The floral formula for Liliaceae is ⊕ P 3 + 3 A 3 + 3 G 3 −. (C) In pea flower the stamens are monadelphous. (D) The floral formula for Solanaceae is ⊕ K (5) C (3) G (2). The correct ...