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  1. margin的意思是边缘,利润,差数,页边空白。而浒的本意就是水边,指离水稍远的岸上平地。因此The Water Margin是直译,margin是边沿的意思。合起来就是为“水的边沿”。 这个英文名翻译是最早的70回译本,定名为《Water Margin》,被认为是标准译名。

  2. Jul 13, 2014 · 1、Water Margin 这是直译,margin是边沿的意思。总体为“水的边沿”,即“水浒” 2、Heroes of the Marshes “水边湿地的英雄们”也就是“水浒英雄们” 另外还有: 美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)

  3. 1、Water Margin 这是直译,margin是边沿的意思。总体为“水的边沿”,即“水浒” 2、Heroes of the Marshes “水边湿地的英雄们”也就是“水浒英雄们” 另外还有: 美国女作家赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)

  4. 水浒传(Water Margin)简介: Water Margin is a novel based on the outlaw Song Jiang and his 36 companions. The group was active in the Huai River region and surrendered to the government in 1121. They were recorded in History of the Song Dynasty of the Twenty-Four Histories.

  5. Feb 9, 2006 · water margin 怎么翻译There are three versions of Water Margin《水浒传》: containing 70 chapters,100 chapters and 120 Chapters. The first 70 chapters are essential the same, except for the concluding c

  6. 叫做Water Margin。 《水浒传》的英文译本有多种,最早的70回译本定名为《Water Margin》,由于出现最早和最贴近原名的原因这个译名往往被认为是标准译名,美国女作家、1938年诺贝尔文学奖得主赛珍珠在将它翻译成英文时就定名为:《All Men Are Brothers》(即《四海之内皆兄弟》)。

  7. 英文:Water Margin。 《水浒传》,中国四大名著之一,是一部以北宋年间宋江等人起义为主要故事背景、类型上属于章回体长篇小说。 作者或编者一般被认为是施耐庵,现存刊本署名大多有施耐庵、罗贯中两人中的一人,或两人皆有。

  8. 水浒传的英文名Water Margin。 《水浒传》是元末明初施耐庵(现存刊本署名大多有施耐庵、罗贯中两人中的一人,或两人皆有)编著的章回体长篇小说。 全书通过描写梁山好汉反抗欺压、水泊梁山壮大和受宋朝招安,以及受招

  9. PROFIT is a certain amount of benefit obtained from operations of a company or from trading activities. Different from a margin, profit is stated in a full monetary value. In the above example, the gross profit MARGIN is 10% but the Gross PROFIT is 100; and net profit MARGIN is 8.5% but the Net PROFIT after tax is 85.

  10. Nov 10, 2011 · There are three versions of Water Margin《水浒传》: containing 70 chapters,100 chapters and 120 Chapters. The first 70 chapters are essential the same, except for the concluding chapter. In the shorter version, the bandit heroes accepted ammesty and gave up their outlaw lives in the last chapter.