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  1. This is not Sweden | SVT Play. Spansk dramakomediserie. Kan bara ses i Sverige. Mariana och Samuel har flyttat till en ny stadsdel, uppe i bergen nära Barcelona, där de hoppas kunna ge sina barn Lia och Max en trygg uppväxt, något de aldrig själva fick uppleva.

  2. This Is Not Sweden (Catalan: Això no és Suècia) is a SpanishSwedish comedy-drama television series created by Aina Clotet, Valentina Viso, and Dani González from an original idea by Clotet and Sergi Cameron.

  3. Through Marina and Samuel’s hectic journey as young parents who have just left the city to enjoy the benefits of nature, This is not Sweden, a bittersweet comedy from Cataluña, makes us reflect on what qualifies as a “good parent”.

  4. This is not Sweden. TV Series. In order to raise their kids in a more authentic way and far from their respective painful childhoods, Mariana and Samuel move to a mountain neighbourhood in Barcelona, where they find a community of people with similar aspirations.

  5. Jan 24, 2024 · Its early results led by “This Is Not Sweden,” will play out at Content Americas and most especially Sweden Göteborg Festival’s TV strand, TV Drama Vision.

    • John Hopewell
  6. Se var This Is Not Sweden går på tv och streaming. This Is Not Sweden är komediserier med Marcel Borràs, Liv Mjönes och Tomás Del Estal. Handling: Mariana och Samuel har flyttat till ett idylliskt bostadsområde som verkar vara det perfekta stället för att uppfostra barn.

  7. Nov 24, 2023 · This Is Not Sweden. by Alfonso Rivera. 24/11/2023 - In a hilarious series, Aina Clotet and Mar Coll show that bringing up children without taking after our parents is more complicated than understanding the assembly instructions for Ikea furniture. Aina Clotet (centre) in This Is Not Sweden.