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  1. Mar 11, 2024 · Making juices at home lets you pick the freshest ingredients, giving you a tasty and nutritious drink. Whether you’re aiming to boost your health or just want a delicious beverage, these healthy fruit juice recipes are easy, wholesome, and perfect for any time of the day.

    • Celery Juice. Celery is fantastic for weight loss, thanks to its high water content, low calorie count, and low sugar. On top of that, it's also great for bloating and digestion and is high in mood-boosting magnesium.
    • Ginger Turmeric Shots. These wellness shots are a daily must-have for a strong immune system, but they also have a myriad of additional health benefits, such as promoting weight loss, improving brain function, aiding nutrient absorption, and so much more.
    • Green Smoothie for Weight Loss. Making fresh juice recipes is excellent for getting all the nutrients and flavor from your produce, but you miss out on the beneficial fiber that keeps you full between meals.
    • Anti-Inflammatory Juice. Poor eating habits, stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle can all promote inflammation in the body, damaging your cells and worsening inflammatory conditions and diseases.
    • Overview
    • 1. Celery juice
    • 2. Beet juice
    • 3. Pomegranate juice
    • 4. Green veggie juice
    • 5. Watermelon juice
    • 6. Lemon-ginger green juice
    • 7. Carrot juice
    • 8. Kale apple juice
    • The bottom line

    Juices can be a quick and convenient way to squeeze some extra nutrients into your diet and promote weight loss.

    However, some types of juice are high in sugar and low in fiber, which can ramp up your calorie intake and even lead to weight gain over time.

    This is especially true with many store-bought juices, which are often brimming with sugar, artificial flavors, and preservatives.

    Fortunately, there are plenty of healthy and delicious juices that you can make at home using just a few simple ingredients and a juicer.

    Alternatively, you can use a blender. This method is preferable because it retains a higher amount of fiber, which can help promote feelings of fullness and manage your hunger.

    Here are 8 of the best juices for weight loss.

    Celery juice has recently become a popular ingredient among health-conscious consumers.

    It’s not only low in calories but also comprises more than 95% water (1).

    Studies show that choosing foods and beverages with a lower calorie density could be beneficial for weight loss and fat loss (2, 3).

    Celery juice is also a great source of antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds, which can help reduce oxidative stress and fight inflammation (4).


    Celery juice is low in calories and has a high water content, which may be beneficial for weight loss. It’s also loaded with anti-inflammatory antioxidants and beneficial plant compounds.

    Athletes often consume beet juice when they’re looking to boost their performance. That’s because this juice contains beneficial compounds like dietary nitrates (5).

    Dietary nitrates can help increase muscle efficiency and endurance, as well as reduce blood pressure levels by dilating your blood vessels (6, 7).

    Meanwhile, whole beets are low in calories and loaded with fiber, which can help support regularity, slow stomach emptying, and keep you feeling fuller for longer to promote weight management (8, 9).

    As most of their fiber content is eliminated during the juicing process, beet juice generally doesn’t contain high amounts of this nutrient. That said, it’s a lower calorie and nutritious juice option when you’re looking to lose weight.


    Beetroot juice is low in calories and rich in nutrients and dietary nitrates, which can enhance sports performance through blood vessel dilation.

    In addition to being delicious and refreshing, pomegranate juice is a healthy, low calorie drink that may support weight loss (10).

    According to one animal study, pomegranate juice blocked weight gain in mice fed a high fat diet (11).

    Some research also suggests that pomegranates may help prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes that may otherwise lead to increased feelings of hunger (12, 13).

    In fact, one study in 16 people found that the antioxidants in pomegranate juice stabilized blood sugar levels after they ate bread, which might otherwise have led to increased blood sugar levels (14).


    Pomegranate juice is rich an antioxidant rich, low calorie beverage that may help support blood sugar managment.

    Although the exact ingredients of green juices can vary, most feature leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, or cabbage.

    These ingredients are high in fiber, low in sugar, and jam-packed with anti-inflammatory antioxidants (9, 15, 16).

    Interestingly, studies show that increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables may be linked to decreased body weight and a reduced risk of weight gain and fat gain over time (17, 18).

    Plus, green juices are easy to tailor to your taste buds by swapping in your favorite ingredients. For a simple green juice you can make at home, try blending spinach, cucumber, green apples, and celery — then enjoy.

    By using a blender instead of a juicer, you get the added benefit of all the nutrients and fiber from the leafy greens, making it even more satiating and weight-loss-friendly.


    Watermelon juice is sweet, refreshing, and highly nutritious.

    Besides being low in calories, watermelon is a great source of heart-healthy micronutrients like potassium and the immune-supporting antioxidants vitamins A and C (19).

    It also boasts a high water content, which could help you lose weight and feel fuller.

    One 4-week study including 33 people gave 2 cups (300 grams) of fresh watermelon to participants daily. They experienced significant reductions in body weight, belly fat, hunger, and food cravings compared with those in a control group (20).


    Watermelon juice is low in calories and has a high water content, which could support weight management.

    Lemon-ginger green juice can be a vibrant and delicious addition to a healthy weight loss diet.

    In particular, lemons can help add a zip of flavor to your drink while squeezing in some extra antioxidants (21).

    Some studies in humans and animals also show that ginger could help boost metabolism, reduce appetite, and promote weight loss (22, 23, 24).

    Meanwhile, greens like spinach or kale — when blended rather than juiced — can bump up your intake of fiber to keep you feeling full between meals (9).

    To get started, simply add a small knob of peeled ginger, some freshly squeezed lemon juice, and 1 cup (30 grams) of raw spinach to your food processor and blend.


    Carrot juice is a nutrient-dense beverage, packing plenty of vitamin A and other healthy carotenoids into each serving (25).

    Blending your carrots instead of juicing them can also help boost your intake of fiber to enhance feelings of fullness and help regulate your appetite (9, 26).

    Plus, carrots are rich in carotenoids, a type of plant pigment found in many fruits and vegetables (27).

    Interestingly, one 8-week study including 28 men with obesity found that those who drank a beverage rich in carotenoids daily experienced significant reductions in belly fat (28).


    Carrot juice is rich in fiber and carotenoids, both of which may be beneficial for weight loss.

    Kale apple juice can be a healthy, high fiber alternative to sugary, store-bought fruit juices.

    Kale, in particular, has nearly 1 gram of fiber per cup (21 grams). Studies have shown it helps stabilize blood sugar levels after meals in both humans and animals (15, 29, 30).

    Apples are also high in fiber and a host of other nutrients. Research has found that consuming them is associated with increased weight loss and improved diet quality in both children and adults (31, 32, 33).

    To make kale apple juice at home, simply blend a handful of kale leaves with a few sliced apples.

    You can dial up the flavor and health benefits even further by adding other ingredients like celery, lemon juice, ginger, or carrots.


    Many healthy and delicious juices can support long-term weight loss.

    Ideal juices for weight loss are low in sugar, high in fiber, and rich in other important nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

    • Goodnature Products, Inc.
    • Morning Kickstart Juice Recipe. Red Apple – 16 oz (2 1/4 medium apple) Lemon – 1.79 oz (1/2 medium lemon)
    • The Best Healthy Green Juice Recipe. Kale – 5.54 oz (2 1/2 cups chopped kale) Cucumber – 5.53 oz (3/4 medium cucumber)
    • Very Veggie Green Juice Recipe. Cucumber – 5.11 oz (2/3 medium cucumber) Romaine – 4.05 oz (2 1/2 cups chopped romaine)
    • Powerhouse Cabbage Green Juice Recipe. Green Cabbage – 1.22 oz (2 medium leaves) Green Apple – 8 oz (1 1/3 medium apples)
  2. Jan 21, 2024 · This article includes the best juice recipes for weight loss, with an emphasis on vegetable-based juices that taste great and aid in fat-burning. From celery juice to beet juice to cucumber juice to parsley juice, there are a number of healthy vegetable juice recipes that can help with weight loss.

    • (4)
    • fruit juice for slimming recipe1
    • fruit juice for slimming recipe2
    • fruit juice for slimming recipe3
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    • fruit juice for slimming recipe5
  3. Sep 7, 2023 · Healthy Cooking How-Tos. 7-Day Juice Plan to Add More Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet. Consider this your guide to juicing: healthy juice recipes, expert tips and the best juicers to buy. Plus, learn if juicing can help with weight loss and the healthy way to add juice to your diet. By. Breana Lai Killeen, M.P.H., RD.

  4. Aug 10, 2023 · Fruit juices offer a delicious and nutritious way to accelerate weight loss. Made from fresh fruits and vegetables, these drinks provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that support health. Fruit juices are also naturally low in calories, while keeping you hydrated and energized.