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  1. Aug 22, 2010 · The judgment/judgement orthographic pair is especially interesting in that the dictionary preferences in British English and American English reversed between 1800 and now, with many British dictionaries shifting from Johnson's judgment to judgement and virtually all U.S. dictionaries shifting from Webster's judgement to judgment.

  2. The in the word "judgment", the "e" from "judge" is absent. Three questions on this: Why is this? Is there a name for such a contraction? How and why does the "g" still retain its "soft" pronunci...

  3. May 19, 2011 · 2. financially strong, secure, or reliable: a sound business; sound investments. 3. competent, sensible, or valid: sound judgment. Source: Soundness of judgment suggests that the course of reasoning leading to your judgments is logical and valid. So this is general reference.

  4. Jun 7, 2008 · How dare you sit in judgement on me? 你怎么敢对我妄加评论? 二、词语搭配:judgment与以下词性连用. 1、v. make a judgment. 作出评价. rush to judgment. 急于作出评价. exercise judgment. 运用判断力. trust someone's judgment. 相信某人的判断力. use judgment. 运用判断力. 2、adj. bad judgment ...

  5. Oct 11, 2022 · Errors in judgment are errors made in the act of judgment, more like miscalculations commited in the process of judgment: errors in judgement are more like relying on a faulty apparatus (not wearing reading glasses) rather than making bad judgments deliberately.

  6. Aug 19, 2015 · There is a great difference between saying 'You are making a judgment' and 'You are being judgmental', at least as the latter term is generally used in the UK. It seems to be less marked in the US, but the overtones must still be there (judgmental (adjective): condemnatory, self-righteous, censorious, pharisaic, critical { Collins Thesaurus of the English Language }

  7. Mar 13, 2018 · The e isn't dropped in "argument", it's added in "argue". The root is "argu". The noun "argument" is formed by adding "ment" to the root. The present participle is formed by adding "ing" to the root. The present tense is formed by adding "e" to the root. Share. Improve this answer. answered Sep 25, 2020 at 0:50. Acccumulation.

  8. Sep 3, 2013 · What single words and idioms would best describe someone who loves to sit in judgment of others, almost making it a hobby to become a nitpicker. They are aware but un-acknowledging of their own deficiencies and of their non-eligibility as critics. They are overly critical of others, yet vehemently intolerant of any criticisms directed to them.

  9. judgement 是英式拼写,judgment 是美式拼写。. snap judgment:快速草率的判断。. 那 quick judgement 呢?. quick judgment 是“快速判断”,这里的 quick,可能是因为判断能力强。. 但 snap judgement 的“快速”, 是由于时间短不得不作出的草率判断。. We mustn't be pushed into making a ...

  10. judgement:一般表示个人的判断;judgment:更正式,可以表示法庭等司法机构的判断。 1、音标方面无区别,听的时候无法区分,要根据全句的意思来区分。 2、judgment:n.裁判,宣告,该判决书(更正式,可以表示法庭等司法机构的判断)。