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  1. Ellery Queen si trova coinvolto da un amico nell'omicidio di un tabaccaio. Andando sul luogo del delitto l'investigatore scopre che la vittima è stat uccisa con dei colpi di pistola e che, ...

  2. Entra sulla domanda riassunto 7 gatti neri di ellery queen e partecipa anche tu alla discussione sul forum per studenti di

  3. Il genere giallo nasce nel 1841, ad opera di E.A. Poe. Anche se si potrebbe considerare l'Edipo Re di Sofocle un antenato del genere letterario in questione, infatti Edipo risolve un oscuro ...

  4. Scarica subito appunti per esami universitari, riassunti e dispense GRATIS. Contenuti suddivisi per libri, settore disciplinare, facoltà ed esame!

  5. The wood is inhabited by fairies whose king and queen, Oberon and Titania, have just had an argument. In his anger Oberon asks Puck, his servant, to bring him a magic flower whose juices he will ...

  6. Victorian Age. The word 'Victorian' derives from queen Victoria eho ruled from 1837 to 1901 and became the symbol of the nation. This period is remembered as complex and contradictory,because ...

  7. The Augustan age (1702-1776) 1702= Queen Anne was crowned. 1776= beginning of the Independence American War. From the first half of the eighteenth century, writers toke inspiration from the Latin ...

  8. D'Artagnan wants to become a musketeer. D'Artagnan was born from a noble family fallen on hard times. His dream is to become a part of the body of the musketeers of King Louis XIII. So he went to ...

  9. The Wife of Bath’s Tale. During the reign of King Arthur, a young Knight rapes a fair young girl. He is condemned to death, but Queen Guinevere wants to save him: if, whitin one year, he can ...

  10. The Augustan Age 1714-1760. The Augustan Age has ist beginning with the the reign of King George I of Hanover, who came to power after the death of Queen Anne Stuart. George I thoroughly ...