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  1. Aug 2, 2014 · A handsome devil was a devil in a pleasing form, that one might not recognise as a devil. Euphemistically, a good looking or charming person, with hidden dark motives could be called a "handsome devil".

  2. Jan 14, 2021 · Discussions (in published English writings) of selling one's soul to the devil antedate the earliest instance that the OED cites of the notion of selling one's soul to anyone or anything. That instance, noted in linguisticturn's answer, is from 1570 and refers broadly to "sell[ing] their soules & all for monye"—without specifying the buyer.

  3. And "handsome" can mean a number of physical attributes, from facial symmetry (indicating good genes) to sharp features (indicating high testosterone levels and thus likely fertile, as well as an aggressive defender). All three together suggest that a man would make a good mate, and the female should be receptive to his advances.

  4. Feb 16, 2022 · 20. What does the expression "The devil with you" mean in this paragraph? “Yes, yes, I know all about it. Your dear sainted mother is the only woman you’ll ever let into your heart, more’s the pity. Let me tell you, boy: yes, I loved your mother, in the end, but it didn’t start out like that. It was a good match from the beginning, a ...

  5. Mar 10, 2017 · The instances of "as a paper devil" or "like a paper devil" that show up in a Google search seem to be the invention of various writers: one-offs. There's an on-line article that lists some sayings Americans should adopt from Czech, which includes "personal failure, those epic crash-and-burn moments, are better expressed by the Czech “burning ...

  6. Feb 17, 2021 · "Handsome is, as handsome does: beauty is but skin deep, you know ; though, to be sure, it is as well to have something fair and comely to look at. My first wife, God bless her, was but an ordinary one. ... From John Trusler, Proverbs in Verse, or Moral Instruction Conveyed in Pictures for the Use of Schools (1800/1811): Handsome is as handsome ...

  7. Sep 23, 2012 · The phrase "devil-may-care" seems to refer to general carelessness, while "Apres moi le deluge" (originating with historical King of France Louis XV) seems to refer to a specific carelessness motivated by the fact that after the individual being careless is out of the position in which they have something to be careless about, the consequences have no effect on them.

  8. Sep 20, 2021 · If you’re Australian then yes definitely, other regions maybe not. ‘Says you!’ In response to a compliment or insult is effectively reversing the insult/compliment, and is similar to saying “that’s rich coming from you” but without the inherent negativity.

  9. Jul 19, 2015 · I agree that "you the man" is not gender-neutral, and that "you go, girl" is a good gender-swapped analogue.

  10. In the closing moments of last night's Family Guy Peter Griffin introduced American Dad as "whatever Fox is limping to the barn with." So, he means “whatever crap will air after this”, but is just humorous self-deprecation. “Limping to the barn” is then understood as meaning “being of inferior quality”, or “performing badly”, or ...