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  1. It's more idiomatic to say it's time, without an article in front of time, when we use the form it's followed by a past subjunctive or to-infinitive. It's time to celebrate the New Year.

  2. Jun 16, 2020 · It's time to go. It's time for me to go. It's time she went home. It's time I went home. There is no difference in meaning, other than who is being referred to -- and all 4 variations refer to present time; in #1, the referent could be the speaker or one or more listeners, depending on the context. To my ear, the subject + past tense verb ...

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  4. Aug 4, 2019 · It's the time to picture yourself in these rooms and decide if you think the traffic flow is good, if the space looks like it will serve the purpose it's built for, if you like the wall and floor finishes and if the doors and windows are of satisfactory size and in the right places. (source: Chicago Sun-Times.

  5. Apr 15, 2016 · for the 'time to' variant you use the 'to ..' form (infinitive) and for the 'time for' variant you should use the '..-ing' form (gerund). Both these forms are correct and have roughly the same meaning. I refer you to this article about infinitives versus gerund for a description of the similarities and subtle differences between them.

  6. May 12, 2018 · The expressions "it's time" to express that something should happen now, or "about time" or "high time", when some action or event is overdue, are followed by a verb in a past tense, either simple or continuous: It's time we left. It's about time we were going. It's high time you got a job. It's time I cleaned my shoes.

  7. May 6, 2016 · Can we use "it's about time" for a sarcastic answers Like if someone says to me "I think I should return your book back now" and the person who said this to me should have returned my book way ea...

  8. Jun 9, 2015 · What does It's time I went to bed mean? and can we say It's time I go to bed ? and what's the difference between the two sentences?

  9. It's about time to go back and do a follow-up. has an infinitive "to go" after "it's about time" whereas your sentence has a past-tense "came" (acting in a subjunctive role).

  10. Feb 9, 2015 · And "It's time we went* (went* means past subjunctive) actually means "It would be time we went". Why the formula is twisted and we say "it's time" (present tense) is another question. While the CaGEL is superb, their description of modal-remoteness is shockingly poor : ( Boo to modal remoteness!