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  1. Oct 14, 2019 · A "kern" is a typographic term for a nonbreakable space between two items. These items are usually, but not exclusively, glyphs. \kern is a TeX primitive that serves to insert nonbreakable space. E.g., a\kern3pt b inserts 3pt of nonbreakable space between a and b.

  2. \kern is a TeX primitive which awaits a dimension expression, while \widthof is a calc package function which only works in \setlength and friends. It requires internal box assignments, which are not allowed in a normal dimension expression.

  3. Oct 29, 2019 · I need to comply with a certain paper template, \documentclass[conference]{IEEEtran} % I do not know what the command below does but it was present in the template file. \def\BibTeX{{\rm B\kern-.0...

  4. The difference between \mkern and \mskip is only that the latter can have stretchability and shrinkability. For instance, the spacing between an ordinary symbol and a relation symbol is obtained by \mskip\thickmuskip (TeX automatically does it); conversely \joinrel, which is internally used for joining dashes in order to build a longer arrow, is \mathrel{\mkern-3mu}, so it will give a fixed ...

  5. Jul 19, 2015 · Thus \kern37pclike has a correct value for \kern, but \kern 37 pc like would have given exactly the same result. Be careful with \kern, because it's a command that does different things if called in vertical or horizontal (or math) mode.

  6. Feb 26, 2018 · The additional \kern at the end of \dotfill's definition prevents a potential \unskip from seeing the last glue item before the \kern, so that the dots don't get removed.

  7. For example, suppose I want !! to be typeset as !\kern 1.2pt!, just like ff is automatically turned into a ligature, or --is converted to an en-dash. I know I could create a command for this combination—I am asking for a way to just type !! and have it use my desired kerning.

  8. Nov 2, 2017 · I am writing a paper and I need the references to be numbered, all the references are in a .bib file, I am using the journal template + bibtex, the packages I am using are: \\usepackage{natbib} \\

  9. Mar 28, 2021 · \def\hkern{\leavevmode\kern} \def\vkern{\par\kern} More interesting question would be: why there is no universal \insertskip which inserts vertical or horizontal skip depending on the TeX mode (like \kern). But this is the question addressed only to the author of TeX. Of course, you can define: \def\insertskip{\relax\ifvmode\vskip\else\hskip\fi}

  10. Mar 12, 2017 · If the baseline of the open square is supposed to be on the typographic basedline, the following code may be of interest. (By using \ooalign, one doesn't have to insert a kern after the "s" glyph.) The d and b characters are there just to indicate the overall size of the composite symbol.