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  1. Man in the Dark is in many ways a continuation of the self-reflexiveness established in the novels, published in 1985 and 1986, included in Auster’s New York Trilogy and extending over his next ...

  2. The first group of sonnets are considered to be the ones written to a young man, while the second group are known as the "Dark Lady" sonnets. These are broken into sonnets 1-126 and 127-154. Check ...

  3. The Plot. The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance begins on a wintry day in February. A mysterious, oddly dressed stranger arrives at the Coach and Horses pub in the town of Iping in rural Sussex ...

  4. The relationship between the humans and the natural world of the sea in The Old Man and the Sea is a mixed relationship, as is the case in real life. Santiago loves the ocean - the colors, the ...

  5. Themes. Just as it is hard to decide who the protagonist is (or if there is any protagonist at all) of After Dark, it is also difficult to find a major theme. There is the darkness of night and ...

  6. Summary. After Fred Daniels, a young black man unjustly accused of murdering a woman, is forced into signing a confession, he escapes from the police by going underground—into the sewer system ...

  7. PDF Cite. “The Man in the Black Suit” is a frame story. The frame consists of a decrepit old man resolving to erase his haunting memory of meeting the devil when he was nine years old. Writing ...

  8. Summary. PDF Cite. “A Meeting in the Dark” tells the story of John, a young Kenyan man who worries most about what others, especially his father, think of him. John is consumed by a moral ...

  9. Extended Summary. The novel opens just before midnight in a Denny’s restaurant in downtown Tokyo. There, Mari Esai sits at the front window by herself, reading a textbook; she intends to wait ...

  10. the stars would hide their light so as to cloak him and his ambitions in a pall of darkness. Macbeth exaggerates, of course. But the essence of what he's saying makes perfect sense.