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  1. Feb 6, 2010 · What is the meaning of "I'ld swoon"? Is is a typo? I have never seen the combination of "will" and "would" in the same clause: "I'ld swoon in the languor of your perfume, In the drowsed delicious contemplation Of a neck seen palely through the gloom. Another hideous eructation.-- Aldous...

  2. Feb 2, 2007 · Hi everybody! I'm trying to understand (and then translate) the expression "to sway and swoon". Taken separately and literally, I would say "osciller et se pâmer" or "se balancer et s'évanouir", but in the context of my text, it doesn't make any sense : "The players swayed and swooned...

  3. Mar 9, 2012 · The following passage is quoted from Dubliners by James Joyce. What did he mean by "a deliberate swoon of the pupil into the iris"? It was an oval face with strongly marked features. The eyes were very dark blue and steady. Their gaze began with a defiant note, but was confused by what...

  4. Aug 31, 2011 · "I sank into my first real swoon" (a causa di una canzone) "Andai veramente in estasi per la prima volta" Che ne dite?

  5. May 14, 2015 · Dear friends, could you paraphrase the expression "it was seen that.."? Here is the context: "For some moments all were paralyzed with awe — but the urgency of the case soon restored them their presence of mind. It was seen that Mr. Stapleton was alive, although in a swoon." My version is...

  6. Jan 19, 2021 · Hi everyone, Which sentence is correct? and why? 1-Nothing would make my little niece and I swoon more than having matching pets. or 2-Nothing would make me and my little niece swoon more than having matching pets. Thank you. I truly appreciate your time and help.

  7. Jun 7, 2014 · It is used as following: 'do a ridiculous impression of the swooning fit' Thank you in advance. :) Have a nice day!

  8. Jun 3, 2024 · Ici, "je te baise" est choisi non parce que c'est souvent utilisé, mais pour le rythme et la rime. Je vous engage à traduire par ce qu'un homme vulgaire et peu respectueux dirait dans ce contexte dans votre région. I have, it is used in Marseille, I just dont understand why.

  9. Aug 18, 2009 · Hi! Can anyone tell me what's a "dying fall" in music? There's a thread about it in Wordreference forums, but the meaning stays a bit unclear for me.

  10. Nov 13, 2011 · Hello Are both of the cited sentences grammatically correct when I am referring to someone who is kind. So kind you are. So kind are you. I believe both structures are correct, the latter is is the inverted form of the former.