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  1. Hang Seng index closed the morning down 368 points, H share index down 147 points and technology index down 91 points. Turnover was $52.8 billion. The market fell further in the afternoon as Hang...

  2. 6月30日據香港經濟日報6月最後一週港銀普遍休戰”,全周有1間銀行減少港元定期存款利息 (較上週5間少),大新把半年期年息累減1.1釐至險 ...

  3. offers stock analysis with 5-days forecast, 1 and live comment powered by our proprietary Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Stock quotes, charts, portfolio...

  4. Ltd不負責,亦不承擔任何由於不可抗力的事故或在 Ltd不可合理控制的情況下導致的損失或損害,如颱風、暴雨、其他自然災難 ...

  5. For the five months ended 31 May 2024, it recorded a net profit of approximately HK$170 million. It is expected that the Group will record a substantial increase in the net profit for the six months ending 30 June 2024, as compared to the net profit of approximately HK$39 million for the six months ended 30 June 2023.

  6. offers stock analysis with 5-days forecast, 1 and live comment powered by our proprietary Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Stock quotes, charts, portfolio...

  7. Provide financial information, included real time free quote, financial news, HK indices, China indices and World indices.

  8. 阿爾法企業 (00948.HK)公佈3月止財政年度業績,收入9,631萬元,按年下降73.5%。. 錄得虧損3,832萬元,相比上年度純利132萬元,盈轉虧;每股虧損11仙。. 不派末期息。. (de/d)~阿思達克財經新聞網址: 《業績》民商創科 (01632.HK)全年虧損擴至3,579萬元. AA. AA ...

  9. Global Economic Data. HK Stock Latest Search provides information including HK Stock Latest Search, HK Stock Real-time quote, HK Stock Weekly Change, HK Stock stock performance.

  10. offers stock analysis with 5-days forecast, 1 and live comment powered by our proprietary Neural Network and Artificial Intelligence technologies. Stock quotes, charts, portfolio...

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