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  1. Dr. al-Shanqiti is a frequent guest on Al Jazeera and a regular contributor to Al Jazeera online, having published hundreds of articles in Arabic and English. Mohammed Cherkaoui He is a senior researcher at the Al Jazeera Center for Studies and a former professor of international conflict resolution at George Mason University in Washington DC.

  2. Al Jazeera Centre for Studies. Al Jazeera Forum. Al Jazeera Media Institute. Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights. Al Jazeera Learning. Our Channels. Al Jazeera Arabic. Al Jazeera English. Al Jazeera Balkans.

  3. 31 Mar- 2 Apr, 2007 Doha - Qatar. Hosted by Al Jazeera Center for Studies. Home » The 3rd Al Jazeera Forum » البرنامج » Programme.

  4. Yasser Abuhilala has been working at Al Jazeera for 16 years. For a number of years he headed the Al Jazeera bureau in Amman, Jordan. He has worked as an Al Jazeera correspondent in a number of countries and has covered many important world events. He reported on Iraq before the 2003 war, and then covered the 2006 war in Lebanon and the 2008 Israeli offensive on Gaza. At the outbreak of the ...

  5. May 25, 2024 · Day One: Saturday, 25 May 2024. Time. Opening and keynote speeches. 11:00-12:00. Session One: “Tufan Al-Aqsa” in the Context of Palestinian National Struggle: Resistance and Political Prospects. While appearing surprising in its timing, scale, and nature, “Tufan Al-Aqsa” unfolds within the broader context of the Palestinian national ...

  6. Sheikh Hamad bin Thamer Al Thani. Chairman of the board of Al Jazeera Media Network. Sheikh Hamad is one of the most influential players in the Arab media world. After working in several positions in Qatar’s Ministry of Information and Culture in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the young, new leaders of the country decided to abolish this ...

  7. Marriott Marquis City Centre Doha Hotel May 25-26 2024. REGISTRATION CLOSED. Our Network. Al Jazeera Centre for Studies

  8. He is the former director general of the Al Jazeera Network. He began his career with the network in 1997, covering some of the world's key political zones, including South Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq. He was appointed the chief of the Baghdad bureau, and later as the network's managing director. In 2006, he became Al Jazeera's director general. During his 8-year tenure at the helm, the ...

  9. Dr. Andrei Fedorov is the Chairman of the Fund for Political Research and Consulting in Russia. Born in 1955, he graduated from Moscow State University with a PhD in Political Science. He was involved with international youth and student movements before joining the International Department of the Central Committee of Communist Party as an advisor to the Prime Minister. He also served as the ...

  10. Nadia Al-Sakkaf was the first woman appointed information minister in Yemen. Before that she was Chief Editor of Yemen’s leading media establishment The Yemen Times. She is a renowned journalist, activist and human rights defender who left her mark on Yemen’s media and political scene, in recognition of which she received many international awards including the first Gebran Tueni Award ...

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