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  1. Anyhow, one story he told was that at some point David Niven was on board a Naval launch that picked up a German airman from the sea. Niven apparently interrogated him and then told the skipper to throw him back overboard. Skipper refused at which point Niven threatened him with his pistol. I think the story got interrupted at this point.

  2. David Niven was renowned for saying virtually nothing about his wartime role. He was reportedly in "A" squadron of a phantom unit, or offically a GHQ Liaison Regiment unit. There is a little bit about the regiment on the link below :

  3. Jun 10, 2007 · David Niven - I don't think I can recall anybody saying or writing a bad word about him. Did his bit voluntarily, when it would have been fairly easy to avoid it. I think I saw a programme about him on Sky a while ago, which said he was in Hollywood when the war broke out, and made his own way back in order to volunteer.

  4. Jan 27, 2007 · Anyhow, one story he told was that at some point David Niven was on board a Naval launch that picked up a German airman from the sea. Niven apparently interrogated him and then told the skipper to throw him back overboard. Skipper refused at which point Niven threatened him with his pistol. I think the story got interrupted at this point.

  5. Aug 27, 2024 · Niven played the part of the Platoon commander on a break from his real-life rank of Lt Col as a squadron commander in Phantom, whilst Ustinov (a Private) co-wrote the screenplay and played a cameo role as the feelthy French cafe owner, and did it rather well IMHO, especially the darts match. I thoroughly recommend The Way Ahead.

  6. Sep 11, 2024 · The Pink Panther (1963) David Niven stars in this somewhat dated comedy that Peter Sellers stole. It's all very swinging sixties; colourful, bright and breezy with the slapstick being the highlight if you like that sort of thing.

  7. Sep 23, 2024 · Good post LD.The RHF, an amalgamation of the Royal Scots Fusiliers (21st of Foot) and the Highland Light Infantry (71st and 74th of Foot) in 1959 was not, initially, a happy marriage. The former a truly Scottish Regiment formed before the Union of Scotland and England was quite a conservative...

  8. One of the original band of moderators from when ARRSE was written on a scroll rather than this inter-web-thingy. Charming and erudite and certainly in the "David Niven School of class, breeding, and culture". A "Trog" by virtue of the fact that no-one better would have him, still, "someone has to raise the standards"!

  9. Sep 10, 2024 · Then we get someone like David Niven who rebelled against the same straight-jackets and attests to the inter-war mentality that had re-imposed itself on the day to day. Yet it allowed that certain innovators, such as Hobart, could wait until they had the opportunity to flourish, that Fuller's thinking could influence even the future opponents, just not our own thinking.

  10. Aug 28, 2024 · Watched Endstation, a 1973 German TV film remake of John le Carre's The End of the Line, which was an episode broadcast in 1970 from the Armchair Theatre series.