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Alan Fine is an American businessman who worked at Marvel Entertainment from 1996 until 2019. He was a chief executive and later its president who worked alongside its former CEO Isaac Perlmutter and chaired the Marvel Creative Committee.
Meet Alan Fine, founder of the GROW Model and author of “You Already Know How to Be Great,” and discover his impact on leadership development.
Alan Fine is the Co-Creator of GROW® Coaching and Founder of InsideOut Development. He has dedicated the last 35+ years to helping individuals and organizations execute their goals, achieving dramatic performance breakthroughs with a simple and practical performance methodology.
InsideOut ® empowers people to coach instead of just training them to coach, an approach based on principles developed by founder and New York Times Best Selling Author, Alan Fine. Coaching isn’t just a thing we do we do, it’s the WAY we do things.
Alan Fine is the founder and President of InsideOut Development, a professional services… · Experience: InsideOut Development · Location: Alpine · 500+ connections on LinkedIn.
- InsideOut Development
Alan Fine's title became Executive Vice President, Office of the President, Marvel Worldwide, Inc., reporting to the company's Chief Executive Officer, Ike Perlmutter.
Learn more about Alan Fine, his background, his books, his music and how he can provide inspirational guidance toward a better tomorrow for you and your organization.