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  1. An Amorous Woman of Tang Dynasty: Directed by Eddie Ling-Ching Fong. With Patricia Ha, Alex Man, Kuo-Chu Chang, Monica Lam. Rebellious Yu Yuan-gi becomes a Taoist priestess in order to avoid traditional roles designated to her as a woman by the society and focus on her studies and poetry.

    • (266)
    • Action, Drama, Romance
    • Eddie Ling-Ching Fong
    • 1984-06-01
    • 概览
    • 剧情简介
    • 幕后制作
    • 影片评价







    一代才女鱼玄机(夏文汐饰)不甘做人妻妾,带着侍婢绿翘(林凯玲饰)入观为女道士,但其不安于室的不羁个性难以管束,时常外出与诗人墨客酬唱往来。一日,玄机在湖中畅泳遇豪侠崔博侯(万梓良饰),两人谈心之余,玄机以身相许。博侯却因生性浪漫,后舍弃玄机只身浪荡江湖。博侯去后,心中惆怅的玄机回到长安,寂寞难耐,与绿翘发生同性关系,被住持发现后将其逐出道观。后来鱼玄机便夜夜笙歌,荒淫无度。毛贼孔孟武闻名而至,武意欲掳绑玄机、绿翘,危难中得博侯相救,然而博侯后又不辞而别 。


    鱼玄机是一个在历史文献中着墨不多的人,她的生平仅仅散见于文人墨客留下的只言片语,史学家甚至只能通过她留下的诗篇来考略她一生的足迹,而由于鱼玄机身后的“声名狼藉”,与她唱和的土大夫们大多将这段关系视为不可言说的羞事,因而把这些唱和作品隐匿,再无见于《全唐诗》。导演方令正在书卷之中、在稗官野史的只言片语之中发现了鱼玄机超越时空的价值,历史的留白正好给予了方令正发挥的余地,从而创作出了《唐朝豪放女》 。

    《唐朝豪放女》的导演方令正,一手裹挟着稗官野史,一手拿捏人文考量,把肉欲与杀戮浸入简朴而耐人寻味的大唐风韵,却奏鸣出一曲现代女性主义的悲歌。在该片每一个情节的变奏中,都流露着对女性自由伦理的思虑。该片以一流的美术设计、活色生香的影像重新诠释了古人鱼玄机,得以重重地鞭答了今人的麻痹。在观众欣赏肉欲的初衷得到满足之际,扑面而来的是对依然挣扎着的女性主义自由伦理的无限悲悯 。(《名作欣赏:学术版》评)

    摄影的隽永是该片的亮点,远山含黛,近水微澜,渔火点缀江岸与灯笼的微明相映成趣,为营造诗词意境的画面构成有着中国山水画的意蕴。而细节的注意也是值得赞许的,比如唐代服饰在女装方面裙里是无底裤的,在鱼玄机脱衣入水场景里导演注意到了这点,而邵氏公司的水下摄影,将演员夏文汐拍得像美人鱼一般。导演没有一味表现情色,在泼水一场戏以憔悴的难民被迫卖身和烟花柳巷的浮华对比,使得观众心灵上对女性的苦难有了更深的了解,此后导演更以玄机她们为强盗奸淫突出中国女性本质上的屈从和无助 。

  2. Rebellious Yu Yuan-gi becomes a Taoist priestess in order to avoid traditional roles designated to her as a woman by the society and focus on her studies and poetry. However, her trysts with both her maid and a ronin lead to trouble.

  3. Apr 11, 2007 · The story concerns one Yu Yuan-gi (Patricia Ha), a young lady renowned for her scholarship who has chosen to become a Taoist priestess in order to keep her independence and avoid becoming just another wife or mistress to a minor official.

  4. Rebellious Yu Yuan-gi becomes a Taoist priestess in order to avoid traditional roles designated to her as a woman by the society and focus on her studies and poetry. However, her trysts with both her maid and a ronin lead to trouble.

    • Eddie Ling-Ching Fong
    • Shaw Brothers
    • Patricia Ha
    • Hong Kong
  5. 11 Ratings. Critics reviews. Pat Ha plays a Taoist priestess who shuns the normal life for a world of literature, wine, and romance. A roaming warrior catches her heart early on, and she defends her lifestyle from the conventions of Imperial China in the interlude.

  6. Gifted female scholar Yu Yuan-Gi becomes a Taoist priestess to retain her independence at a time when few women could do so in Tang Dynasty China. Yearning to experience aspects of life beyond the limits of her station, Yuan-Gi ingratiates herself among the upper echelons of society by holding extravagant orgies at her house and taking many lovers.