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  1. May 5, 2020 · Oral sex counts as being sexually active because there is an exchange of bodily fluids. Your saliva and the mucous membranes in your gums, tongue and cheek directly contact the bodily fluids and mucous membranes in the other person’s genital area. This means that you are at risk for STDs like hepatitis, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, gonorrhea ...

  2. I need a doctor 黄明昊-我的嘴角不听我的使唤 莫名上扬像个笨蛋 王子异-是谁在脑海朗诵情话 分贝已越来越大大大 王琳凯-I'm going crazy Now now now(黄明昊- I need a doctor) 范丞丞-莫非是地板比棉花糖还软 陷下去的步伐比往常缓慢 人却轻轻飘反弹I need a doctor

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