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  1. A: Sabotage means to intentionally destroy or damage something. Example: He tried to sabotage her plan to take over the country. Jeopardize means to put someone or something into a situation where there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. Example: If she leaves, it could jeopardize our chances of winning the competition.

  2. Apr 1, 2020 · Synonym for sabotage Sabotage means to intentionally destroy or damage something. Example: He tried to sabotage her plan to take over the country. Jeopardize means to put someone or something into a situation where there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. Example: If she leaves, it could jeopardize our chances of winning the competition.

  3. A: Sabotage means to intentionally destroy or damage something. Example: He tried to sabotage her plan to take over the country. Jeopardize means to put someone or something into a situation where there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. Example: If she leaves, it could jeopardize our chances of winning the competition.

  4. sabotage的同義字Sabotage is a verb used to describe when somebody deliberately catches someone by surprise, usually to destroy plans made. For example, the girl's ex boyfriend sabotaged her wedding day when he interrupted the ceremony. |However, vandalise is a verb used to describe (mainly) when somebody deliberately ruins the form of an object. Graffiti is a known form of vandalism.

  5. Đồng nghĩa với destroy Someone broke both my car windows. The passenger side window was damaged, it just has a little crack. The driver's side window was damaged worse, in fact it was completely destroyed! I think my enemy sabotaged me, to prevent me from using my car to get to work. Now my career is ruined! |Damage is some amount of harm to something. destroy is always complete harm, a ...

  6. 13 Jan 2017. English (UK) Sabotage is a verb used to describe when somebody deliberately catches someone by surprise, usually to destroy plans made. For example, the girl's ex boyfriend sabotaged her wedding day when he interrupted the ceremony. See a translation.

  7. 按类型列出的新问题. sabotageSabotage is a verb used to describe when somebody deliberately catches someone by surprise, usually to destroy plans made. For example, the girl's ex boyfriend sabotaged her wedding day when he interrupted the ceremony. |However, vandalise is a verb used to describe (mainly) when somebody deliberately ruins ...

  8. May 11, 2023 · so if I say don't sabotage me it means don't secretly harm me something from the inside. See a translation. dongelev85. 11 May 2023. English (US) @Matteona yes. See a translation. 1 like. Highly-rated answerer.

  9. destroyDestroy is an act of damaging or ending the existence of an object. ex. Mark destroyed John's toy Sabotage is purposely destroy, damage something, especially for political and military advantages. ex. The rebels sabotaged the rice fields. |I hope it may help you hehe. If you want to check again the definition, you can go check Oxford's Dictionary. 🙂的同义词

  10. 英语 (美国) Sabatage is when somebody purposely damages, hurts or destroys something. Sabotage is considered a very negative word: He sabotaged the business because they fired him. Harm is a word more commonly used for hurting somebody or something and not as much for objects. Harm might be on purpose or on accident but shows that damage ...

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